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2024.09.03 transmission line underground cable Safety inspection case

Author: Click:32 Time:2024-09-03

I. Project completion informationInstallation project: transmission line underground cable? ?Safety inspection caseProject time: 2024.09.03P

I. Project completion information

Installation project: transmission line underground cable   Safety inspection case

Project time: 2024.09.03

Project completion unit: Shenzhen Dinsee Smart Technology Co.Ltd

In modern society, electricity as an important energy source for people's life and production, its safe supply is crucial. And transmission line cable as a key link of power transmission, its safety is related to the stable operation of the whole power system. In this paper, the safety status quo of transmission line cables, existing problems and how to improve the safety level of transmission line cables will be elaborated.

II. Risk issues

1, aging serious: part of the transmission line cable has been running for many years, due to material aging, mechanical damage and other reasons, there is a large security risks.

2, laying irregularities: some areas in the transmission line cable laying process, there are laying irregularities, cross interconnections and other issues, affecting the safety performance of the cable.

3, maintenance is not in place: part of the transmission line cable maintenance work is not in place, resulting in wear and tear of cable equipment, aging and other problems can not be resolved in a timely manner, increasing the security risks.

Our company's innovative research and development of transmission and distribution line online monitoring device, overhead transmission lines, power cable safety equipment and intelligent mobile line visualization monitoring system, anti-mountain fire infrared monitoring device, transmission line anti-external breakage alarm device, line visualization monitoring, real-time monitoring of the state of the power line, power grid micro-meteorological monitoring devices, warning alarms, bird repellent devices, law enforcement recorders and other products have been widely used in the country. The products have been widely used in electric power related sites all over the country and received good feedback from customers!

transmission line online monitoring equipment official website: http://www.yzjngf.com


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The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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