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Anti-breakage smart spikes: real-time "guarding" the lifeline of urban operation, to ensure the safety of energy supply

Author: Click:18 Time:2024-09-10

In recent years, the rapid development of urban construction, underground pipelines as the lifeline of urban operation, once the accident occurred out

In recent years, the rapid development of urban construction, underground pipelines as the lifeline of urban operation, once the accident occurred outside the broken, will cause residential users and major business units of electricity, gas and other energy supply interruption, affecting people's normal life and production, and in serious cases there is the possibility of gas deflagration, high-voltage electrocution and other accidents that jeopardize personal safety. Therefore, it is especially important to prevent the underground pipelines from being damaged by external forces.

In response to this phenomenon, our company has developed Underground Pipeline Anti-Breaking Intelligent ground spikeDX-DLS100-B2, through real-time "stand guard" for the city's energy supply. Below, I will introduce it to you from five aspects!

I. Product structure

Intelligent floor spike has a cylindrical appearance and adopts embedded installation method, which is simple and convenient, and stays flush with the ground after installation. The overall use of cast aluminum technology, the display surface is made of transparent material, with power signs, emergency contact information, cable or fiber optic guidance direction. Indicator visibility is about 20 meters during the day and 100 meters at night.

II. Scope of application

Applicable to all underground pipeline direction indication and anti-external damage detection, built-in Apriori algorithm and K-Means clustering algorithm, applicable to all underground cable indication and anti-digging alarm.

III. Power supply

Adopts a combination of solar and removable polymer battery power supply, with a battery capacity of not less than 3500mAh.

IV. Main functions

1, real-time perception of the diameter of more than ten meters meters range of effective vibration, and send alarm information to the monitoring background.

2、Adopting artificial intelligence self-learning algorithm to automatically identify invalid vibrations, such as vehicles and pedestrians passing by.

3, when an abnormal vibration is detected, the ground nail itself automatically sends out a red light warning, monitoring the background to show the alarm status, and push to the cell phone APP applet, the alarm ground nail from the green dot to the red dot, pop-up warning.

4, the cable information is bound to the ground nail, the background can obtain these information bound to the ground nail, such as cable voltage, cable direction and so on.

V. Product specifications

1、Diameter: 12cm

2、Bearing weight: ≥25 tons

3. Life expectancy: more than 5 years

4、Protection grade: IP67

5, the use of environmental temperature: -40 ℃ - 80 ℃

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