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Micro-meteorological online monitoring system, guarding a side of the world, exploring the construction of line science and technology

Author: Click:2 Time:2024-09-13

Nearly a lot of areas by the subtropical high pressure hard control, "hot thunderstorms" this guy can be said to come every day a round trip

Nearly a lot of areas by the subtropical high pressure hard control, "hot thunderstorms" this guy can be said to come every day a round trip, and our big Guangdong in this basis, just past a super "BUFF" - - super typhoon level "Capricorn", giving us a lot of trouble. -Super typhoon level "Capricorn", brought us a lot of trouble.

Dozens of meters or even hundreds of meters of high-voltage pylons, connecting the overhead transmission lines across the north and south of the Yangtze River. So, what kind of micro-meteorological conditions will be faced by the conductors of the lines that are "too high to be cold"? Will be more "profound" than the performance of large-scale weather?

The answer is yes. Carrying wind speed and meteorological temperature, because wind speed and temperature have a gradient in vertical height, the meteorological conditions on the line conductors have significantly different characteristics compared with the ground. Specifically, the average temperature decreases with increasing altitude, while the wind speed tends to increase. The temperature on the line conductor is often much lower than the temperature measured by the weather station, and the wind speed is often more than 10 meters per second, equivalent to about 6 levels of wind. With this strong wind-cooling effect, the thickness of ice cover on power line conductors may be more than you can imagine if there is an ice storm.

More specifically weather manifestations such as typhoons, hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, floods, blizzards, and other weather events may affect outdoor electric utility equipment to some degree.

From the direction of power grid "disaster prevention and mitigation", the use of meteorological observation data and early warning systems can predict and respond to the impact of extreme weather conditions on the power grid in advance. Shenzhen Dingxin Wisdom Technology Transmission line micro-weather on-line monitoring device strong>Transmission line micro-meteorological online monitoring deviceDX-WPS100-QX, which is arranged in the tower location of the monitoring end of the high-precision micro-meteorological sensors, support multi-parameter micro-meteorological data collection (temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, barometric pressure, rainfall, light radiation, etc.), the collected data in real time through the 3G/4G/5G/CDMA and other local micro-meteorological data collection system, the data collected through the 3G/4G/5G/CDMA and so on. GPRS/CDMA and other locally applicable communication methods, the monitoring data will be sent to the back-end platform for data storage, analysis, early warning and display (reports, statistical charts, curves, etc.), to provide decision-making support for power transmission units.

"Higher than cold" line conductor facing micro-meteorological conditions are indeed complex and variable and has significant characteristics, through in-depth study and application of relevant technical measures, can to a certain extent effective response to these challenges, enhance the grid disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities!

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The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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