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Conductor intelligent spacing bar monitoring device, high altitude technology construction has its own attitude

Author: Click:2 Time:2024-09-14

Speaking of conductor intelligent spacer bar monitoring device, then we will start from the conductor spacer bar to understand the whole. Conductor sp

Speaking of conductor intelligent spacer bar monitoring device, then we will start from the conductor spacer bar to understand the whole. Conductor spacer bar is an important fixture used in transmission lines.

The main function of conductor spacer bars is to maintain spacing between conductors in different phases of a transmission line, or between different split conductors in the same phase, to ensure that there is sufficient air gap between them to meet the requirements for electrical insulation. In addition, spacer bars help to minimize vibration and oscillation between conductors, thereby protecting the functioning of the conductors and other components of the transmission line:

1, to prevent mutual collision of wires: in the wind, temperature difference, self-excited vibration and other natural factors, spacer bars can prevent wires from colliding with each other, reduce the resulting damage.

2, inhibit breeze vibration: in the breeze, the wire may produce vibration, spacer bar through the damping effect to inhibit this vibration, protect the wire from fatigue damage.

3, reduce the sub-file distance oscillation: in specific conditions, the wire may produce sub-file distance oscillation, spacer bars help to reduce this oscillation, improve the stability of the line.

4, improve transmission efficiency: by maintaining the appropriate distance between wires, spacer bars help to reduce corona discharge and radio interference, thereby improving transmission efficiency.

5, maintenance of line safety: in the event of a short circuit or other faults in the transmission line, the spacer bar helps to maintain the relative position of the conductors and reduce the impact of the fault on the line.


However, spacer bars are often difficult to cope with sudden challenges in complex and changing environments, such as strong winds, ice-covered and other extreme conditions, which can easily lead to damage and deformation of the spacer bars, thus affecting the safety and stability of the entire transmission line. Seeking intelligent monitoring, take the pulse, Shenzhen Dingxin Intelligent Technology for this launch DX-WPS100-ZB Intelligent spacer bar monitoring device for conductors.

The conductor intelligent spacer bar monitoring device integrates advanced sensor technology, data processing capability and wireless communication module, and is capable of real-time monitoring of spacer bars and transmission lines with a variety of status information, including but not limited to current, temperature, image, wind speed, vibration frequency and other key parameters. Through high-precision data acquisition and intelligent analysis, the device is able to quickly identify potential safety hazards, issue early warning reminders, and provide timely and accurate early warning information for operation and maintenance personnel.

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