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2024.09.13 Transmission line image online monitoring (dual optical dome) Equipment installation case

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I. Project completion information

Installation project: Transmission line image online monitoring (dual optical dome) Equipment installation case

Project time: 2024.09.13

Project completion unit: Shenzhen Dinsee Smart Technology Co.Ltd

Transmission Line Dual Optical Dome is a monitoring system designed specifically for high-voltage transmission lines, which integrates infrared imaging technology and visible light camera technology to enable all-weather monitoring of transmission lines under a variety of environmental conditions. The dual optical dome can detect potential hot spots in the line through infrared thermal imaging, while the visible light camera is used to capture real-time images of the line. The combination of the two technologies greatly improves the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the monitoring.

Traditional means of monitoring transmission lines often fail to work effectively due to weather or light conditions, and the dual optical dome overcomes this challenge. It can provide clear monitoring images in rainy days, foggy days and even at night, ensuring that the safe operation of transmission lines is not affected by natural conditions. In addition, the remote monitoring and intelligent analysis functions of the dual-optical dome greatly reduce the cost and risk of manual inspection, and improve the efficiency of operation and maintenance.

Our company's innovative research and development of transmission and distribution line online monitoring device, overhead transmission lines, power cables, safety equipment and intelligent mobile line visualization and monitoring system, anti-fire infrared monitoring device, transmission lines, line visualization monitoring, real-time monitoring of power line status, power grid micro-weather monitoring device, warning alarms, bird repellent devices, law enforcement recorders and other products have been widely used in electric power related sites across the country. Anti-breakage alarm device, line visualization monitoring, real-time monitoring of power line status, power grid micro-weather monitoring devices, warning alarms, bird repellent devices, law enforcement recorders and other products have been widely used in electric power related sites across the country, get customer feedback good results!

Since its inception, our company has been committed to the study of smart grid, is a technology development, production, sales and technical services in one of the solution providers, has for China's different voltage levels of power equipment to provide a full range of systematic solutions and products, so that the smart grid within reach.

Transmission line online monitoring equipment official website: http://www.yzjngf.com

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