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Transmission line micro meteorological online monitoring device


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Product details

Transmission line micro meteorological online monitoring device


1、 Demand analysis

With the rapid development of the national economy, the demand for power from all walks of life is increasing, and the requirements for the quality of power supply (stability, continuity and accompanying services) provided by power supply departments are also increasing. In recent years, the occurrence of various bad weather, such as typhoon, ice cover, mountain fire disasters, has caused considerable losses to the power transmission lines of power grid companies, and a set of online micrometeorological monitoring devices for power transmission lines is urgently needed, Real time monitoring of the real-time data of the meteorological environment provides strong data support for the occurrence of meteorological disasters and post disaster reconstruction, so as to take preventive measures in advance and reduce the adverse impact of abnormal weather on the safe operation of substation equipment.

2、 Working principle

The monitoring unit of the transmission line micrometeorological online monitoring device is installed on the line tower to monitor the environmental temperature, humidity, wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, atmospheric pressure, light radiation and other parameters. The collected parameters are analyzed and processed by the data processing transmission unit after the sensor is collected, and various interference factors are removed, and uploaded to the monitoring center for storage, analysis and processing; Through this device, the meteorological data of the line's micro meteorological area can be known in time, and countermeasures can be formulated in case of emergency, so as to take preventive measures in advance and reduce the adverse impact of abnormal weather on the safe operation of substation equipment; Through the accumulation, statistics and analysis of long-term micro meteorological data at monitoring points, it can provide strong data support for the occurrence of meteorological disasters and post disaster reconstruction, and provide operation data accumulation for later line operation and maintenance and other new line design and operation.

3、 Product features

(1) Basic configuration of micro meteorological monitoring: main control unit, micro meteorological monitoring unit, communication unit, power supply unit, mounting bracket and auxiliary materials;

(2) It can sense and collect meteorological data, store them accordingly, and transmit the measurement results to the master station system through the communication network;

(3) Automatic acquisition mode and controlled acquisition mode can automatically collect and send meteorological parameters according to the set time interval, and the data acquisition interval can be set to 3 minutes when it is small. By default, meteorological data is sent at hourly hour;

(4) It has power supply voltage and other acquisition functions.

(5) The meteorological sensor adopts an integrated design, including wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, humidity, air pressure, rainfall, light radiation and other sensors;

(6) It has the function of data rationality check and analysis, preprocesses the collected data, and automatically identifies and eliminates interference data;

(7) It has the function of calculating the original collection quantity and obtaining the data reflecting the characteristics of various meteorological parameters. On the premise of not reducing the power supply and operation reliability, the device shall realize digital measurement, have the function of calculating the original acquisition quantity, and output data that can directly reflect the characteristics of the acquisition quantity.

(8) The micro meteorological monitoring device shall be able to store meteorological data for more than 90 days.

(9) The communication interface and application layer data transmission protocol shall meet the communication protocols of Southern Network and National Network;

(10) Have the ability to dynamically respond to remote time query/setting, data request, restart and other instructions;

(11) Have the ability to modify the sampling frequency, sampling time interval, access point (APN), device and master station IP address, port and other information according to remote instructions (such as SMS);

(12) It shall have the functions of password authentication and remote update program, and shall have perfect update mechanism and mode;

(13) The monitoring device can be controlled and debugged in real time on site through short distance wireless debugging mode.

4、 Technical parameters

Serial No



technical parameter


Overall performance

Complete machine configuration

Main control unit, micro meteorological monitoring unit, communication unit, power supply unit, mounting bracket and auxiliary materials


Overall quality

Less than 30KG (including solar panel and support)


texture of material

Stainless steel body+hot galvanized support


Micro meteorological monitoring unit

air temperature

Measuring range: - 40-80 ℃; Resolution: 0.1 ℃; Accuracy: ± 0.3 ℃



Measuring range: 0-RH; Resolution: 0.5%; Precision: 3% RH


wind direction

Measuring range: 0-360 °; Resolution: 0.1 °; Accuracy: ± 3 °;


wind speed

Measuring range: 0-60m/s; Resolution: 0.05 m/s; Accuracy: ± 0.3 m/s;



Measuring range: 10-1100hPa; Resolution: 0.1hPa; Accuracy: ± 0.5Pa;



Measuring range: 0 ~ 4mm/min; Resolution: 0.2mm; Accuracy: ± 0.4mm (≤ 10mm); ± 4% (> 10mm);


ray radiation

Measuring range: 0-1400W/m2; Resolution: 1W/m2; Accuracy: ≤ 5%;


Communication unit

communication mode

All Netcom 4G/5G/WIFI wireless transmission


Data security

VPN dedicated channel can be used for communication with the master station, and encryption transmission is optional.


Access protocol

Access to monitoring platforms of provincial power companies such as Southern Power Grid and State Grid


Power supply unit

Battery capacity



Solar panel power



Power supply duration

The power supply requirement that the device can operate normally for 15 days without continuous illumination.


Other parameters

work environment

Working temperature: - 40~+70 ℃; Relative humidity: 5-99% RH


Overall service life

More than 8 years


Degree of protection



Contact us

Shenzhen Dinsee Smart Technology Co.,Ltd
Address: Building 2,xiangyuer Industry Part,NO.8 Longsheng Road,Longgang District,Shenzhen 518126,China

The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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