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High voltage power supply external protection warning device


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Induction power supply; Voice Announcements 

Strong light flickers; Live loading and unloading

Product details

High voltage power supply external protection warning device


1、 Demand analysis

Urban and rural construction is moving forward rapidly, the demand for electricity is growing all over the country, and the electric power industry is also growing. The high-voltage line anti external force damage warning device can be directly installed on the overhead transmission line conductor without power failure as a marker for high-voltage line danger warning and warning. The product can detect objects approaching and send out a "high-voltage danger, do not approach" sound warning, so that people and vehicles passing by can find them early Timely prevent high voltage accidents caused by incorrect operation of overhead working vehicles such as tower and crane.

2、 Working principle

The high-voltage electric shock prevention integrated warning device is powered by online power supply+lithium battery. When the online current is greater than or equal to 5A, it can work. When pedestrians, vehicles, etc. enter a specific area, the infrared induction module acts immediately from the detection end, and the voice module is linked to broadcast and strong light flashes. You can also set a fixed time and interval to automatically broadcast alarm sirens and strong light flashes.

3、 Functional features

The online induction power supply+lithium battery power supply mode is adopted, with 24-hour warning effect;

Voice broadcast warning+strong light flashing double warning function;

It can be charged for loading and unloading, light and portable;

4、 Technical parameters

Technical index parameters

Power supply mode

Induction power supply

Induction mode

Intelligent radar induction

Warning mode

Sound and LED light warning

Sensing distance


Operating current


Voice siren level


Operating mode

Active detection+timing mode

Operating environment


Installation method

Support/hoop/angle iron

Contact us

Shenzhen Dinsee Smart Technology Co.,Ltd
Address: Building 2,xiangyuer Industry Part,NO.8 Longsheng Road,Longgang District,Shenzhen 518126,China

The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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