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Image video monitoring device (simple dome)

model number:DX-WPS100-SP6

Online Inquiry+8618926454155

Product details

Demand Analysis

At present, for transmission line patrol, anti-breakage, tree height, construction site cranes and other conditions affecting the operation of transmission lines, real-time monitoring is required, but the existing monitoring equipment, the price is high. If the power supply department wants to carry out large-scale installation of the whole line, it needs a product with high-definition monitoring, PTZ rotation all-round monitoring, but also low-priced products. For this situation, our company developed overhead line image video monitoring device (simple ball machine), realize can see can turn, low price, connect the function of the intranet, solved the power sector all line monitoring high cost pain point, relatively cheap, suitable for large-scale installation, instead of manual transmission line inspection, conducive to the early detection of potential safety hazards, to ensure that the transmission line safe and reliable operation. 

Second, the principle of work

Overhead line image video monitoring device (simple dome) to simple video monitoring based on the main control unit, including the main control unit, communication module, power module, simple PTZ camera, wireless transmission unit; solar and lithium battery power supply, the use of front-end simple PTZ camera to collect video data, through the 4G/5G APN network image / video data transmission to the monitoring center, to achieve the whole transmission line patrol, It realizes real-time monitoring of various situations affecting the operation of transmission lines, such as prevention of external breakage, three spans, tree overheight, cranes at construction sites, vehicles crossing overhead lines, etc., and ensures the stable operation of the lines. 

Product features

1、the use of industrial-grade high-definition full network of intelligent simple PTZ camera integrated design;

2、Motorized zoom one-piece lens, 2 megapixel ultra-clear picture quality;

3、Support automatic voice alarm, remote shouting function;

4、Support 4G-APN (Telecom, Unicom, Mobile) dedicated network connection;

5、support access to the background image recognition function, automatic identification of tower cranes, cranes and other large machinery and vehicles outside the broken, hill fire, smoke, wire foreign objects and other hidden dangers, automatic capture, cruise, preset position and other functions;

6、Support regional invasion, tripwire detection, video masking and other functions;

7、support for mounting bracket, wall mounted, ceiling mounted, holding pole mounted flexible choice;

8、low power consumption design, support for wide voltage input, suitable for solar battery power supply;

9、high temperature 70 ℃, low temperature -40 ℃; protection performance to meet IP66.

10、Support access to power grid intranet platform (support APN access capability);

11、with TF card storage. 

Contact us

Shenzhen Dinsee Smart Technology Co.,Ltd
Address: Building 2,xiangyuer Industry Part,NO.8 Longsheng Road,Longgang District,Shenzhen 518126,China

The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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