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smart bracelet

model number:DX-WPS100-X2

Online Inquiry+8618926454155

Product details

Requirement Analysis

Outdoor electric power construction operation or electric power inspection personnel's health status affects the work progress, the smart bracelet is in order to dynamically monitor the electric power construction operation or electric power inspection personnel in the implementation of the inspection operation of the human body's life basic physical characteristics, design and development of a set of wearable intelligent monitoring device. The device integrates multiple sensor modules, in the complex inspection environment, the device can real-time monitoring of human characteristics of the state, with automatic distress function, to protect the personal safety of inspection personnel. 

the application scene

Wearable Intelligent Behavior and Vital Signs Monitoring Device is specially designed for intelligent behavior and vital signs monitoring of electric power operators, identifying and clocking in through biometric identification, reporting the identification results and the positioning of the clocking in real time to the system, and at the same time adopting BeiDou positioning, reporting the positioning information to the system at regular intervals; automatically collecting the data of the movement status; monitoring the heart rate in real time without interruption and reporting the heart rate in real time without interruption and storing. All historical data is stored and reported to the server, with SOS active distress function, real-time protection of the life safety of electric power operators.

Functional features

1、Biometric identification and clocking, local identification, not network identification, identification speed of 6 seconds or less, identification rate of 93%, identification results and clocking the positioning of real-time reporting system.

2, the use of Beidou positioning function, in the absence of outdoor obstruction, positioning accuracy within 4 meters; regular reporting of positioning information to the system. Filtering bad satellite signals when outdoor is blocked.

3、Built-in gyroscope; automatically collects more than 5 different kinds of motion state data every second to store and report all historical data.

4、Real-time uninterrupted heart rate monitoring per second and store and report all historical data to the server.

5, SOS active distress function.

6, there is a display screen, can display the wearer's name and the server to send information.

7、Step function, sports track collection.

8, regular data transmission to the server function, wear state, every 10 minutes to report the complete data, data including device MAC, sim card iccid number, battery power, device wear state, steps, punch card time / punch card results, positioning information, positioning time, the history of the heart rate data collected every second and the time stamp, every second to collect the time and the time stamp of the exercise state.

9, every 10 minutes to report the complete data of item 8), continuous wear endurance of 48 hours or more ;

10, standby state endurance of 10 days, not wearing the heart rate module does not work, automatically enter the low-power; low-power mode wear automatically wake up, automatically restore the reporting mode ;

11, lightweight and easy to carry;

12, drop-proof, waterproof grade IP67.

13, insert SIM card 4G communication, can be docked with the information system, to meet the network security requirements.

Contact us

Shenzhen Dinsee Smart Technology Co.,Ltd
Address: Building 2,xiangyuer Industry Part,NO.8 Longsheng Road,Longgang District,Shenzhen 518126,China

The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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